Annual day compering script in english pdf

Anchoring Script for Annual Function in English

Anchoring Script for Annual Function

The annual function of any college or school is the day when all Teaching and Non-Teaching staff of school students and college management gather under one roof to celebrate the achievement of the School or College. The following article is about the Anchoring script of the annual day function of school or college.

Contents show

Anchoring Script for Annual Function in English

Anchoring Script for Annual Function

Tips for Anchoring Script

The Outline of the script

1) Welcome line:

2) Lamp lightning and worship Ceremony:

Now I request the Chief Guest Mr. Shrikant Gaikwad and Principal madam to come on stage for the lamp lightning and worship ceremony.

3) Swagat Geet:

4) Chief guest’s message to a student:

5) Principal’s address to the student:

6) Cultural program:

Anchor1: it’s the showtime now. It time for which you have been waiting for so long let’s begin the Dance competition.

I) Dance competition:

II) Singing Competition:

III) Drama Performance:

IV) Fancy dress competition:

Anchor 2: Wow these little children were looking like little angels in this cute dress.

7) Prize Distribution:

8) Thank you note:

As I told you this will be the most memorable event of your life. All this would have not been possible without the presence of such a great audience thank you all for attending today evening and making this event extra special. I will also like to thank our chief guest and principal madam for giving their valuable time to us.

I will also like to thank the students who organize this event with proper planning and executing it with excellence. And last but certainly not least parents thanks for coming here we express our gratitude to our parents because without their support we are nothing.

Thank you for coming. Hope we will maintain this relationship of excellence and perfection for ages to come. Good night buddies

Starting lines are most IMP when you are anchoring here are some – Starting lines for anchoring

Quiz Anchoring Script

Q. Why we should prepare an anchoring script for the annual program?

Ans: We should prepare an anchoring script for proper execution and coordination of the program.

Q. Who should start the program?

Ans: We should start the program with a welcome note and lamp lighting ceremony.

Q. Who name we should take first in the welcome note chief guest or principals?

Ans: Chief guest

Q. How we should end the program?

Ans: We should end the program by giving thanks to everyone.